Logo downloads are available below:

Primary logo for light backgrounds
- Logo for light backgrounds – SVG (highest-quality)
- Logo for dark backgrounds – PNG (easiest)

Secondary logo for dark backgrounds
- Logo for dark backgrounds – SVG
- Logo for dark backgrounds – PNG (easiest; right click to download)
Brand colors
(RGB: 80, 166, 151)
Spartan Red
(RGB: 160, 9, 26)
Brand guidance
- Use the primary logo in full color when possible. If the background is dark, use the secondary logo.
- Boxing the logo is not preferred. However, if neither logo is legible on the background, use the full-color primary logo in a white box.
- When used online or in digital materials, link the logo to bikerichfield.org.
- Do not modify the logo, alter colors, use without padding, or use the emblem without the “Bike Walk Richfield” text.